Monday, June 05, 2006

All Grown Up

Good god. I have a business card now. A BUSINESS CARD. According to this small piece of cardboard, handily sized so as to fit in a wallet or pocket*, I AM A JOURNALIST.

All of a sudden I feel ridiculously grown up and mature.

I think I need to go out and get drunk in order to counter such feelings.

Who's with me?!

*And which bright spark came up with that idea, hmmm?


Tammiodo said...

I think that's a brilliant idea. I did the same when I got my oh-so-growed-up accessory, and then I handed them out to everyone I met. I got some very strange messages the next day!

richardwatts said...

Here's to growing old disgracefully!

richardwatts said...

Oh, and in case people were wondering, no, I didn't get the job as Artistic Director at Next Wave, but a good friend of mine did, which I'm very happy about. Besides, seeing as I haven't had a fulltime job since 1989, I'm kinda happy staying in the part-time arts/media world!

richardwatts said...

I promise I shall start practising this very day, gav!